
Xattr -p

User an GUI app to strip the flag: xattred. Log in to vote on this issue. Comments (13) Tautvydas-Zilys. Apr 16, 2021 16:08. Hi everyone, as far as we are aware, this issue is fixed in all known cases. If you're still running into ' is damaged and can't be opened. Xattred Mac版是Mac电脑上的一款文件管理软件。xattred Mac版可以让你检查和编辑与文件或文件夹相关联的所有扩展属性 (xattrs)。 注意事项 MacOS 10.15 系统下,如提示“无法启动”,请在系统偏好设置-安全性与隐私-选择【仍要打开】,即可使用。. Then run a xattred -d com.apple.quarantine.scriptpath. to remove the quarantine flag. Install command: brew install -cask xattred. Extended attribute editor.


I’m proud to release, at long last, the first full version of my extended attribute editor xattred.

This new version brings the following changes from the last beta release:

  • A new Stripper feature, implemented in its own accessory window. Here you can enter a type of extended attribute, such as com.apple.quarantine, then select a folder. xattred will traverse all the items in that folder and remove all extended attributes of that type which it finds there. xattred already allows you to cut xattrs away one at a time, but this now lets you do this across hundreds of thousands of files, if you so wish.
  • An extensive PDF Help book, running to some 19 pages, over four thousand words and ten screenshots. This contains all the information in the previous PDF document supplied with xattred, but is better structured and available from the Help menu when running xattred.
  • xattred checks its own signature immediately after launch, and quits if any error is detected.

The one feature which hasn’t made it into this first full release is Undo for its cut/copy/paste commands. Because of the way that xattrs are implemented, this is proving quite tricky to address. I still intend to add it to a future version, though, once I have got it working properly.


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Version 1.0 of xattred is now available from here: xattred10
from Downloads above, and from its Product Page too. It should run on El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra and Mojave.

Xattr Mac

This version is notarized for Mojave. It also incorporates a self-test to ensure that the app hasn’t been tampered with. If you open this version and it immediately quits, this indicates that its app bundle has been changed in some way, and no longer matches the original. A ReadMe file is enclosed in the archive which explains this, and what to do if that happens.